What Do You Have?

In kids’ church right now, we are learning about Jesus feeding 5000 with five little loaves and two little fish. It is a spectacular story. Even when I stretch my imagination to its limits, I still have trouble fathoming that event! As I told the story to the little ones, I marveled at the way Jesus chose to show His power that day. I also made sure to point out to the kids that when we give what we have to Jesus, He will use it to work miracles too.

Do you ever notice how the Lord uses foreshadowing? When you are learning (or teaching) a lesson, hang on. He most likely is going to give you the opportunity to prove that you got it.

Yesterday morning, on the way to work, I had a mini meltdown. You see, I’m a lunch lady. I tend to get moved around and currently, the school I’m in is very hard on my body. It certainly makes me wonder how long I’ll be able to do this job. As I prayed, “God, what am I going to do? I have to work! We can’t afford for me to quit!” I heard His quiet voice say, “write.” Now, mind you, I don’t think He’s saying write a novel and make a fortune. (Although, I’d be okay with that!) The truth is, I’ve been praying that prayer (or whining that whine) a lot lately. And the answer has been write. Finally, I was obedient last night and wrote. And was honest and real. And felt better. Yay God!

This morning, my ride to work was different. My mood was lighter, more hopeful. I was running a few minutes late, which meant I heard a short word by Anne Graham Lotz that I would have otherwise missed. She was talking about the loaves and fishes! The message was so simple, yet so profound. The little boy in the crowd gave everything he had. Everything. Not for himself. He gave because it was asked for by Jesus. In return, he not only got plenty to eat, He got to be part of one of the most well-known miracles in the Bible! Then, she went on to remind her listeners that when we give everything we have, we will see God move also. Oh. Ouch.

You see, I had allowed my pride and my embarrassment to get in the way of my writing. Maybe I shouldn’t be, but I have been embarrassed by my limitations. This morning, Mrs. Lotz made me see that I had been so busy being focused on what I couldn’t do, that I had forgotten to rely on what God can do.

What’s God asking you for right now? I doubt it’s your loaves and fishes, but it could be. Maybe it’s your time. Or talent. Or money. Or something else. Whatever it is, go ahead and give it. I can guarantee that you can’t out-give God and He will give you what you need in return. Trust me. If He can feed five thousand (men, plus whatever women and children were with them), He can take care of your needs!

Be blessed and tell someone you love them.

About meanderingswithgod

I Write. It’s what I do. It’s as vital a part of me as breathing. I write when I’m happy. I write when I’m sad. I write when I don’t understand. Or when I understand a little too clearly. I write when God’s speaking to me. And when I’m speaking to Him. And, more often than not, it comes out in rhythm and rhyme. In my words, you’ll find laughter and tears, pain and triumph, confusion and clarity. In my words, if you bother to search, you’ll find me. So, it is with both excitement and trepidation that I begin. This blog. This writing that’s been so long coming. My words. God’s words. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to tell the difference. Mine are clumsy, His are eloquent. I hope, as you read my verbal meanderings, that you’ll be blessed and find yourself searching for Him.
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1 Response to What Do You Have?

  1. Your thoughts have inspired me this morning. I’ve been going through the same sort of ‘down’ feelings.

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